What is STEP?
Steps to English Proficiency (STEP) is a framework for assessing and monitoring the language acquisition and literacy development of English language learners across The Ontario Curriculum.
The STEP resource includes oral, reading, and writing continua to guide instruction and classroom based assessment.
The ESL and classroom teachers can use the STEP continua to assess and record evidence of students' progress gathered through day-to-day classroom learning experiences.
The Purpose of STEP
The STEP resource is intended to be used for initial and ongoing assessment purposes. There are two
major components:
Initial Assessment allows teachers to:
• develop a student profile;
• determine placement;
• provide a starting point for instruction;
• support programming.
Ongoing Assessment allows teachers to:
• support planning and programming decisions;
• implement differentiated instruction and assessment;
• track language proficiency and literacy development;
• select appropriate resources;
• make decisions regarding participation in and support for large-scale assessment;
• engage students in self-assessment and goal setting;
• identify possible special learning needs;
• provide students and parents with accurate indication of the child’s level of English language
acquisition and literacy development;
• determine discontinuation of ESL/ELD support;
• promote reflective teacher practice;
• provide an opportunity to focus teacher reflection and professional dialogue.
Click on the links below to see the grids for oral language, reading and writing:
Oral (Grades 1-3)
Oral (Grades 4-6)
Reading (Grades 1-3)
Reading (Grades 4-6)
Writing (Grades 1-3)
Writing (Grades 4-6)